Join the #MovewithMarta family from the comfort of your own home!

Marta Salcedo teaching a group heels class

Lift your spirits with online dance classes

Join us for a dance class and become part of a supportive community, dance out your feels and get sexy.

The dance online classes are held using Zoom so please ensure you have it downloaded on your device prior to the class.


Flow every Saturday

We might not be able to go the gym but we are definitely able to still work on our wellness, strength and flexibility from home. This 75 min class is focused on improving your mobility (combination of strength and flexibility training) with Animal Flow!

Expect a challenging and fun new way of working out!

Marta Salcedo running a one to one class

Reach specific goals with a private online one-to-one class

Sometimes a little privacy goes along way. Do you want to learn a choreography to your favourite song? Do you want to become more aware of your body and improve your technique?
Private classes will help you gain awareness and control of your body. You will learn to move your body in ways you don’t even know your body can move!

Ready to unlock your potential with Movement Coaching?


Daily inspiration on Instagram: