The Shadow of forcing
To force something that it isn’t meant to fit in. To rush something that isn’t meant to flow just yet. To push something that is so desperately asking for stillness.
As I return back to Europe, this shadow aspect, the feeling of forcing has been very present over the last few days. An invitation to prepare better, to set boundaries, to get radically honest with self and allow more ease, more grace, more flow into my everyday.
Sometimes we might think we know better than life. Sometimes we might think we know better than the divine order in which everything is happening at the speed of our individual growth.
Our time hasn’t come quite yet if we are forcing and subscribing to the stress. We have normalise and in some cases even glorified the stress our body shows as we push and rush. Yet that same stress we feel is the way our body communicates with us to stop, to stop ignoring our inner knowing. Our inner wisdom is asking to slow down, to prepare better, to set boundaries, to contemplate before taking action.
The shadow of force won’t listen to your intuition. Until you finally surrender and choose to flow, choose to let go of the grip and finally decide to connect with your body sensations.
Where are you forcing in your life?
Where can you allow yourself to flow a little bit more if you completely trust?