Five day immersive experience for women to deepen their connection to their feminine, healing and transformational power through earth wisdom, rituals, movement, and sisterhood. 

email or to book

Prices start at $1900

Feel your true nature

Connect to the healing power of the earth,

sisterhood and your own love

Imagine this…

Waking up to the songs of the wild birds in the jungle, you step outside, where the lush embrace of nature welcomes you with open arms. You have the option to join us on the mat for a morning practice to gently awaken your body as you set your intention for the day. 

After a guided meditation and movement practice, a freshly squeezed juice and nutritious breakfast is waiting for you at the outdoors dining area, where you can sense the vibrancy of the jungle. 

The day is filled with moments of stillness and deep breaths as your bare feet connect with their fertile soil, grounding you into the present and sacred moments throughout the day as we share together, healing, connecting and rewilding through circles, ceremonies and rituals. 

Day by day, you can feel the magic growing alongside the transformative energy as you sit around the fire, singing and dancing with you gather alongside other sisters, who just like you, are ready to deepen their connection to their feminine power.

And of course…from beginning to end — transportation, nourishment,  daily experiences, 

everything is taken care of for you to fully dive into the magic. 

WELCOME TO REWILD // A 5-day journey of healing and empowerment designed to help you rewild, reconnect with nature and remember  your feminine power.

Meet your guides


Hello beautiful soul,

My name is Marta Salcedo, and I am a mentor, a movement guide and a facilitator of transformational spaces through movement and transpersonal therapy. Originally from Barcelona, after living in London pursuing and fulfilling my dream as a professional dancer and movement coach, I deepened my studies in therapeutic and holistic studies. Over my travels around the world, from South Africa to Mesoamerica, I discovered how these practices, medicines and ceremonial spaces hold the power to deeply heal and reconnect us to our true nature. The type of nature that feels free from within.

I am deeply passionate about creating safe spaces where you can embody more of the love, liberation and confidence you desire. I am so excited to support you in reconnecting to the power that resides in your heart, mind and body in the magical jungle of México.


Hi Beauty,

My name is Paola Ucelo, and I am a Guatemalan multidisciplinary artist, ceremonialist, and designer. My journey through diverse Eastern and earth-based traditions has taught me the profound impact of rites of passage during times of radical change. As your guide, I excited to show up with deep reverence for transformation, a rich understanding of ritual, and a heartfelt connection to earth wisdom. I am here to support and empower you as we journey together through the power of sisterhood together! 


This vision, alongside our sisterhood, is a testament to the power of connection.

From the mountains of Lake Atitlan, communing with Cacao and Mayan wisdom carriers, to exploring Mexico, and co-facilitating a retreat in Hawaii – our journey has been profound and transformative.

Now, with passionate and heartfelt intention, we are deeply grateful and excited to share
the sacredness of the jungle with you.



Verb --- /ˌriːˈwaɪld/ : To be restored to one’s unconditioned natural state.


Day 1: THE RECALIBRATION - A day to gently arrive, meet the land and the sisters that will be walking with you through the gates of transformation. 

Day 2: THE RITUAL - Waking up in the jungle, the intention is for you to begin this journey empty of the outer world and deepen the connection to your own wisdom, truth, body and the earth that surrounds you. 

Day 3: TIME TO REWILD - From a deeply rooted connection, a passage of feminine archetypes begins. Exploring and embracing the power that lives in the various expressions of you. 

Day 4: THE ROMANCE - An immersion into the romance of intuition and creation, along with ritual, pleasure and feminine care.

Day 5: THE RECLAMATION - A day in ceremony to celebrate and commit to this new embodiment of you, in the presence of sisterhood sacred rites and sites.  
Day 6:THE RIPPLE - How you close is how you begin again, and on this closing day we will gather to plant seeds from our hearts for our intentions to grow along with a symbolic and intentional tree planting ceremony.


email or to book

Prices start at $1900


(Prices are per person)

Private room – queen bed ensuite – shared living space – $2,500 - ONLY ONE ROOM AVAILABLE

Shared room – single bed – shared living space – $1,900

Shared room – queen bed ensuite– shared living space – $2,100

To reserve your space, we ask for a 30% non-refundable deposit payable by bank transfer.

A further 30% will be due by 1st August 2024 and the balance by 1st September 2024.

Please note that for cancellations made within eight weeks of the retreat, no refund will be given on the balance either.